My brother is home on leave for 15 days from Iraq. Today, we watched the Super Bowl at his house with his family and my nieces. It was nice because my Dad & Mom were there, Aunt Joan, my Grandma, and an some other family members I haven't seen for years. It was a great day to spend some time and see him and hear some stories from Iraq. He's a soldier, and serving his country. It's amazing to hear firsthand of things that are happening and what you hear on tv or news. He shared how there is a constant smell of trash and stench and burning smells, and a poverty that you could never imagine until you drive through the streets. There are many incredible things our soldiers do over in that country that do not get credit or noticed. My brother was able to share some pictures from Iraq that he's captured and it makes me glad to be living in America, and to have the freedoms and life we live because of soldiers who protect our rights, and others. He heads back on Monday to finish the rest of his tour with the 81st from Washington.
This is my brother's "limo" as he calls it, in the bottom right. He drives it for his convoy missions. He said it's not a tank, but it's a monster.
That is very cool. It must be VERY frustrating to be over there working so hard and seeing such terrible conditions and then watching the news here and having everything distorted. I'm happy your family was able to share a special time together and NICE WORK JANICE on making them take pictures. Oh wait...I forgot. Corey is a picture hog.
Awesome, Corey...just awesome. Glad you got to spend some time with your brother. Sounds like he is a pretty special guy.
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