Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ruined Weekend?...Maybe.

Ok, so I'm sitting here sore throat, coughing, hacking sick. Dang school kids coughing all over people...
On the good side, I've been able to milk this sicky thing for the whole weekend. Laying on the couch, football on HD, sending Janice to the store for more Sprite...made her go get ice cream last night to 'sooth' my sore tonsils. She's upstairs folding laundry right now.
I tell ya, this sickness could last awhile!


Amy said...

You are killin' me! Janice is soooo good to you. I can just see you trying so hard to speak loud enough for her to hear you(and get her sympathy)yet not too loud to disrupt your "soar" tonsils. And she is being so nice and loving to do anything to make you feel comfortable. What a lady!

Just remember not to yell too loud at the multiple football games you are enjoying throughout this "sick day." Hope you feel better soon!

Ooo, just thought of somethin'~ Hope Janice doesn't get your soar throat you just might have to do the chores around the house for a day!!!!! ;)

Ali said...

You crack me up...why is it when a man is sick they can just lay on the couch and be waited on? But when a woman is sick they still have to cook dinner and do the laundry? I'll tell ya why...we're tough.

Lolli said...

You nailed it Ali! I think Janice deserves a little something special after playing nurse and maid for the weekend. You can't go wrong with shoes Corey. I have the Zappos link on my website;)