Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stealing her thunder...

Ok, In the wake of Janice's TV appearance, I made a little appearance myself. While she was content to stay with the local news, I roll with the international crowd. Janice's press release says the FLW Outdoors TV show has 81 million subscribers in the US, and 425 million in Europe, Africa, and Asia. That's a lot of viewers who were able to see my international debut! Right now people around the US and globe are wondering, "Who is that red-headed man of mystery?" I'm just gonna have to start forgetting some of you little people when the Queen calls. Heck, I bet Obama's on the phone looking to reach me to fill a cabinet spot. Hope he gets used to disappointment!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rich & Famous

Janice was on TV last night for the news article. She's huge in the fishing world. During the finals, while filming they had her come up on stage and talk for a minute or so. She rattled off like a professional announcer about the tournament in front of hundreds of people. It there's one thing she can do, it's talk. ;) Sometimes I wonder how we stay so humble...She works hard to bring the FLW tournament to Tri-cities and FoxNW is going to air the show tomorrow at 11 am. Yep, the TV offers, fame, and forutne will be rolling in then. I can feel myself changing already!
On a cool note, this was us riding in a Army Chinook Helicopter during the tournament...something about flying with a backdoor open is just so cool. It's even better when you get to look over the edge like this!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Brother, The Soldier

I have two brothers who serve this country. One is in the Navy for almost 12 years and has traveled to more places than I can name. He was in Iraq before the war boarding Iraqi ships with security teams to inspect their cargo. His stories still can make me shiver. He is a soldier.

My oldest brother is now in Iraq. This is the vehicle he is driving. His mission is for convoy support and security. He heads on mission driving across a country that is across the world. A country I will never see, yet holds so much political clout it dominates conversations, politics, and bumber stickers across America.

My brother is a Soldier. Plain and simple. He has people's lives in his hands, and his life will no doubt be in someone else's hands. I have not always agreed with my brother in things we've done in our lives, but he is still my brother, a father of 4 beautiful girls, and a Soldier. I'm praying for my brother's safety, he needs it.

This Veteran's day really made me think some things. Our country is founded and maintained by these men, many times, boys. Soldiers have a bravery most American's can only dream of and may never have to prove. Most people are content to sit in a chair, second guess every decision ever made, and spout off at the top of their lungs against the freedoms these men provide for us...and for other people.

Either way, I'm praying for his safety and for all our soldiers. No one deserves more honor and respect than our Armed Forces, past and present. It makes me proud to be an American.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The "Look"

Janice and I were looking through some old photos and found some gems we completely forgot about! I love the dog jumping one, because it shows the 'glare' every husband gets at some point for flat out not listening to their wife! I was getting the dog jumping and apparently Janice was not impressed.

Then there's the farmer photo. It's a classic.

Followed by the favorite beach photo we forgot about! It's the family shot...Someone has got some hairy legs!!!